7:30 AM - 8:00 AM | Breakfast
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM | NextGen Technology Morning Sessions
- Near Real-Time 2-Way Data Exchange is Coming to the Fire Service with NERIS: Tom Jenkins, UL FSRI
AI in the Fire Service: Hype, Reality, and the Road Ahead; Chad Crouse, Division Chief of Community Risk Reduction at Saint Lucie County Fire District; Scott Roseberry, Battalion Chief at Garland Fire Department
The Connected Fire Service: How Next-Gen Tech is Transforming Public Safety in Smart Cities like Berlin?: Stefan Truthan - Office of Strategic Transformation, Berlin Fire and Rescue Services, Germany
- Every Fire Department Needs a Common Operating Picture: Kevin Fetterman, OCFA
- Are we truly ready to integrate drones effectively, or are we letting outdated practices hold us back? Jeff Pricher, Scappoose Rural Fire District
- Technology Won’t Change the Fire Service Unless We Do: Sara Jahnke, Science to the Station
12:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Transport to the IFD Training Academy Lunch, Live Showcase of Partners Technology
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Transport to Sun King Brewery, Networking Reception
6:30 PM | Transport to Indiana Convention Center