DAY 1 - Wednesday, April 17 | 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Sagamore Ballroom, Indiana Convention Center
Keynote Speaker
“Safety, Standards, and Being Cowboy Ready”
The Colony (TX) Fire Department
The fire service has weaponized safety, performance standards, and aggressive tactics. Referencing traditional cowboy traits such as confidence, independence, and instinct, Thompson will make the comparison to desired traits on the fireground. While the message will not endorse freelancing, or other rogue behavior, it will talk about having such capabilities as a preparedness action step. The overall focus will be on managing risks and a mindset of either risk acceptance or risk avoidance based on the situation and operational capabilities and limitations.
Scott Thompson entered the fire service in 1982 as a volunteer and began his paid career with the Plano (TX) Fire Department in 1986. He has been the chief in The Colony (TX) Fire Department since 2009. He has a bachelor’s degree in emergency administration and planning, is a Texas certified public manager, and has presented at FDIC since 2002. Thompson has had numerous articles published on leadership, training, command and control, suburban fire operations, and firefighter rescue and survival. He is the author of The Functional Fire Company: Positioning Small Groups for Success and Survival (Fire Engineering).
DAY 2 - Thursday, April 18 | 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Sagamore Ballroom, Indiana Convention Center
Keynote Speaker
"Adapt and Act!”
Florissant Valley (MO) Fire Protection District
At no time in our history has change presented itself in our profession with such speed. New technology, scientific findings, pandemics, staffing issues, and funding shortages are creating significant challenges for the fire service. However, our mission must not be compromised: to protect life and property. President John F. Kennedy said, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction.” Those risks of inaction of our obligations to serve and protect can cost lives. Our duty to action begins before we ever set foot on an incident or cross a threshold of a burning building. Self-reflection and awareness offer us the ability to adapt and take the best and decisive actions for our mission and purpose. Purposeful action is not finite or saved just for the fireground. It must be a habit we draw on in those moments when our community most depends on us.
Jason Hoevelmann is chief for the Florissant Valley (MO) Fire Protection District and is a 28-year career firefighter. He is a contributor to Fire Engineering and serves on the FDIC Educational Advisory Board. He is the author of The New Company Officer (Fire Engineering) and No Exceptions Leadership.
Award Ceremony
Lifetime Achievement Award
Chicago (IL) Fire Department
Deputy District Chief (Ret.) Steve Chikerotis of the Chicago (IL) Fire Department is the recipient of the 2024 Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award.
Chikerotis is a 44-year member of the fire service. He served a 36-year career with the Chicago Fire Department, where he oversaw operations of seven battalions and 30 firehouses. He was a chief officer for 19 years and a fire officer for 28 years. Over the span of his career, he has served in Chicago’s busiest fire companies, battalions, and districts. Chikerotis has been a fire service instructor for more than 35 years, including four years as director of training for the Chicago Fire Department. He’s been a staff instructor at the Chicago Fire Academy, Illinois Fire Service Institute, Harold Washington College, and RICO Fire Rescue. He has delivered classes and keynote addresses at conferences throughout the nation, including 25 years at FDIC.
Instructor of the Year
Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue Department
Captain Bill Gustin of the Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue Department is the 2024 recipient of the Fire Engineering/ISFSI George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award.
In nominating Gustin, Assistant Chief Brian Zaitz of the Kirkwood (MO) Fire Department, incoming president of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI), said: “Captain Bill Gustin has demonstrated a life-long commitment to training and fireground safety. He is a 49-year veteran of the fire service. Since coming into the fire service, he has always been involved in training. Whether it be from his company-level training on high-rise operations and hoseline deployment or his work on forcible entry, Captain Gustin has always been a driver of training. He is a lead instructor for the Miami-Dade Officer Development School as well as taught numerous classes at Miami-Dade College. He is a technical editor of Fire Engineering, an Educational Advisory Board member of FDIC International, and a consistent host of numerous Humpday Hangouts on FireEngineering.com.
The award, which incorporates the Training Achievement Award previously given by Fire Engineering at FDIC, is named for George D. Post, who was a long-time member of the ISFSI. Post was a member of the Fire Department of New York, an illustrator of fire service publications, and a developer of instructional materials and is considered by many to be the father of visual training material used to train fire service personnel around the world.