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Live Fire: Flashover and Modern Fire Behavior

Tuesday, April 08

Flashover training offers firefighters an opportunity to observe fire behavior and the signs that lead up to a flashover event. After attending this class, students will understand how fuel loads have changed the fireground strategy and tactics as well as reduced the survivable time members can operate inside a structure. Live fire training will be conducted in a phase one training container. In a controlled environment, students will be instructed in fire development, flashovers, backdrafts, ventilation, fire attack, and safe fireground operations. Learn how to recognize flashover and escape methods along with unsafe operations on the fireground that have led to fire fighter injuries and fatalities. 

PPE Required: NFPA-compliant structural firefighting pants, coat, hood, gloves, boots, and helmet. (SCBA and face piece will be provided.)

Joseph Berchtold, Chief - Teaneck (NJ) Fire Department
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