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Building a Better Company

Monday, April 07

We all strive to be part of the best company in the organization. That said, do we know what that looks like or how to get there? This class focuses on the fundamental aspects to set the foundation for success to include team dynamics, leadership, planning, training, and sound fireground strategy and tactics. Students will review their own companies and organizations to identify those aspects that are going well and those that need improvement. They will examine what the "best" or "aggressive" looks like and how they can achieve that regardless of call volume or fire load. Students will delve into training and how real training that focuses on improvement will provide the foundation for company success. Students will also delve into tactics and tasks associated with company level performance. At the end of class, students will have key takeaways to improve their company on their next tour. 

Brian Zaitz, Assistant Chief - Training & Operations - Kirkwood Fire Department
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