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Community Buildings Are Evolving: New Mid-Rise Buildings vs. Old Mill Style Buildings

Thursday, April 10

In many communities, we are seeing new hybrid pedestal construction, AKA: "Lumber Yard" mid-rise lightweight residentials and old-mill style factories changing occupancy to residential or mixed-use structures.  These sprawling buildings or complexes are low heights spanning a great horizontal distance rather than high in the sky. They are considered "groundscrapers," a high-rise turned horizontally. These unique structures pose a challenge to both large and small fire departments during the various construction phases and the life cycle of occupancy.  This course will examine strategy and tactical considerations for construction types, proper lot access, building systems, fire protection systems or lack thereof, long distances to the means of egress/ingress, and more.  Participants will recognize the value of performing fire company recon to gather intelligence about these distinctive battle spaces.

Jack J. Murphy, Fire/Marshal (Ret.) - Leonia (NJ) Fire Department
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