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Aggressive Command Supports Aggressive Firefighting: The Top 5 COMMANDments for a Safe and Effective Fireground

Wednesday, April 09

Incident command failures are consistently part of the "NIOSH Top 5" factors that contribute to line-of-duty deaths. This class will discuss the top five actions that an incident commander must take at each incident to ensure safe and effective operations. In the most successful operations, the skills of talented firefighters are enabled, supported, and best deployed by talented chief officers who run a well-organized and well-managed incident. These are ICs who understand what firefighters can and should do, understand tactics, and know how to build an incident that puts things together the right way to crush the problem. This class will cover concepts that are practical and can be easily implemented to make being in command less stressful and to ensure effective operations and the safety of your firefighters.


Nick Martin, Division Chief of Operations - Salisbury (NC) Fire Department
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